About Recharge

Recharge is a Charge Point Operator (CPO) which builds, owns, and operates infrastructure for the charging of Electric Vehicles. Recharge’s charging business is conducted under the brand ‘Recharge’.

Recharge offers its network of charging stations to providers of electromobility services (“EMPs”), to allow EMPs to give their customers access to Recharges network of charging stations through subscription, app and other solutions. Recharge also offers drop-in charging (e.g., through QR code) to customers without a subscription.For more information about our business, please visit our website at www.rechargeinfra.com.



This policy applies to Recharge AS and all its subsidiaries.



This policy is effective as of May 2023. The Compliance Officer will assess and report on the policy annually.



The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Recharge conducts its business in a fair, open, and ethical manner and to adopt a zero- tolerance approach towards all forms of slavery. Recharge is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships, wherever we operate.


About Recharge’s Modern Slavery Policy

Recharge’ policy prohibits all forms of slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor and human trafficking, which are criminal activities and a violation of fundamental human rights. These activities involve depriving people of their liberty to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.

Recharge will comply with the Modern Slavery Act and all other national and international human rights legislation, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) baseline assessment. Recharge’s Code of Conduct (CoC) applies to all suppliers, ensuring that our business practices in terms of Modern Slavery are implemented and approved in our markets.

Recharge will ensure that our contracts contain provisions for termination if there is a breach of the Modern Slavery Act or non-compliance with UNGP rules.


Recharge’s Modern Slavery Act Statement

Recharge is committed to achieving the following goals in regard to the Modern Slavery Act:

  • Ensuring that Recharge’s Code of Conduct is a part of all contracts with suppliers and vendors when purchasing goods or services.
  • Implementing systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in our business or supply chains.
  • Conducting thorough investigations of any actual or suspected breach of this policy, including audits of suppliers or vendors whenever necessary.
  • Consulting with employees and providing helpful information, instruction and training to ensure all employees are aware of their Modern Slavery obligations.


Our Responsibility

At Recharge, we take corporate governance seriously. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for maintaining Recharge’s corporate governance framework, including this policy.

In addition, our Compliance Officer is responsible for:

  • Publicizing the existence of the corporate governance framework and all associated documents.
  • Ensuring all corporate governance framework documents and policy documents are published on applicable forums.
  • Maintaining a register and review of all corporate governance framework documents.